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Inglés Nivel C1.2
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Inglés Nivel C1.2

Curso online


60 horas

3 meses de acceso





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In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks. In this Block the learner will consolidate the necessary knowledge to pass satisfactorily the TOEFL exam.

The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas, motivating the learner to become conversant on subjects such as cinema, expressing ability, obligation and prohibition as well as presenting and interpreting statistics. In terms of grammatical structures there will be continued revision and extension of the structures in all tenses. Productive and receptive skills are stretched with more phrasal verbs, idiomatic expressions, the different verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives, expressing future possibility, and giving opinions.

As with the other blocks on the course, there is frequent pronunciation practice and the learner has exposure to long and short sounds, vowel sounds, elision, homophones as well as general vocabulary and sentence level practice. In terms of conversation, the learner can now approach most situations with little or no preparation.

The use of a variety of exercises encompasses different learner styles as well as guaranteeing thorough coverage of the topics covered. The block is comprised of a series of interactive exercises such as word-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogs and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items.


Unit 1

In this unit students learn useful expressions and questions to express quantity and talk about statistics, and also review useful language for buying in a supermarket. Therefore, they consolidate vocabulary about proportions and figures, and also review words to describe physical traits. Students must work with quantifiers and adverbs of quantity, and use definite and indefinite articles correctly, but also review comparisons, types of nouns and verb tenses for future previsions. Students are immersed in typical situation dialogues. Listening is practiced through pronunciation activities, gap filling and real life dialogue dubbing.

Shopping at the suupermarket

Successful relationships

In round figures

Family resemblance – Master class

Test exercises

Unit 2

In this unit students learn to express obligation or lack of obligation, giving orders, and to describe ability and future possibility. They must increase their vocabulary with new terms, proverbs and sayings, work with synonyms and antonyms and talk about culture and customs. Students must use verb forms for ability and obligation, for future possibility and the imperative. Students perform reading comprehension tasks with a series of interactive exercises, including filling in the gaps or making sentences. Listening is practiced through a specific lesson which includes different comprehension exercises with both short and long audio files.

Going on a tour

A mythical island

We would make a name for ourselves

Culture – Master class

The Gold Rush – Reading comprehension

A place I could call home – Listening comprehension

Test exercises

Unit 3

In this unit students learn to offer themselves to do something for others, give advice, make promises, suggestions and polite questions. They practice specific terminology for letter writing and contracts, revise vocabulary for science, experiments and technology, including medicine and astronomy. Students must work with the verbal forms used to offer advice and help, and also with verbs to make promises and suggestions.

Students perform reading comprehension tasks with a series of interactive exercises, including multiple choice. Listening is practiced through pronunciation activities, gap filling and real life dialogue dubbing. The unit finishes with a test to revise all the grammar and terms studied through the unit.

Getting a contract

An agony aunt

Get things into proportion

Science – Master class

Test exercises

Unit 4

In this unit students learn to talk about films and stage terminology, as well as to read graphs. They must consolidate vocabulary about cinema and photography, mass media, blogs and modelling, and also revise a series of idioms.

Students deal with usage of gerunds and infinitives after verbs, verbal construction and periphrasis and verbs with dual meaning.

Students perform reading comprehension tasks with a series of interactive exercises, including filling in the gaps. Listening is practiced through pronunciation activities, gap filling and real life dialogue dubbing.

Some troubles with the tour

Top model and future star

Your dog on the big screen

Mass media – Master class

The Color Purple – Reading comprehension

Test exercises

Unit 5

In this unit students learn to describe objects, express and guess purpose and say the position. They must use adjectives in order, compound nouns, and also relate to the form and material of different objects and revise vocabulary of office supplies and cinema. Students deal with exercises on the adjectival order and prepositional expressions. Learners perform reading comprehension tasks with a series of interactive exercises, and they must also complete «Use of English» activities to review grammar and vocabulary. Listening is practiced through pronunciation activities, gap filling and real life dialogue dubbing. Thus, students carry out speaking tasks with the help of the voice-recognition system in different exercises, so they practice the pronunciation of the words and structures studied in these lessons.

Saying goodbye

Choosing a present

How objects are

Aims: To review and consolidate the structures and vocabulary related to the lesson through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: Describing objects – Expressing purpose: for / to Vocabulary – Useful expressions: take my place, needless to say, dress up etc – Shapes: pyramid, cylinder, cube, oval, square, triangular – Compound nouns: key-ring, shoulder-bag etc. Activities: Pronunciation: tripthongs in sentences -Listen and repeat -Fill in the blanks: complete the descriptions -Listening comprehension: answer yes or no – Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures – Real life dialog: dub the movie – Choosing synonymous sentences.

The cinema – Master class

Working out the puzzle – Use of English

Test exercises

Unit 6

In this unit students are provided a choice of revision and extension activities: pronunciation and speaking practice with listening exercises, reading comprehension with interactive and writing activities and sentence completion tasks. With the use of real life dialogues students also practice pronunciation, spelling and dubbing. Listening is practiced through pronunciation activities and gap filling. The unit finishes with a test to review and consolidate all the language skills acquired through the unit.

On the way to Ireland

Christmas stories

Brunch or a regular meal?

Test exercises

Unit 7

In this unit students learn to cope with unexpected events when making plans, expressing their own and other people’s feelings. They revise and consolidate vocabulary about travelling, booking and purchasing, as well as terms related to jobs and customer satisfaction.

Students perform reading comprehension tasks with a series of interactive exercises. Listening is practiced through texts and videos with activities, and students carry out speaking tasks with the help of the voice-recognition system in different exercises, practicing the pronunciation of the words and structures studied in these lessons. In order to enhance students’ writing skills, students have to write a report.

At the airport 1 – Typical situation

A practical immersion in the language, where by the student will live through a real life situation, similar to one they would confront in the language in which they are learning. In this lesson the student will be introduced to new vocabulary, then once the exercise has been completed, they will then have an opportunity to do some practice with this same new vocabulary.

At the airport 2 – Typical situation

A practical immersion in the language, where by the student will live through a real life situation, similar to one they would confront in the language in which they are learning. In this lesson the student will be introduced to new vocabulary, then once the exercise has been completed, they will then have an opportunity to do some practice with this same new vocabulary.

Fulfillment and failure – Dialogue

The student listens to a series of questions that he/she must freely answer and send the responses to the teacher. New vocabulary is introduced in this lesson; once the exercise is finished, the student practices with said vocabulary.

Test exercises

Unit 8

In this unit students learn to deal with health issues when visiting a doctor and to use language for accidents and emergencies in a hospital. They revise and consolidate vocabulary for first-aid situations, including remedies for injuries and health problems and clinical treatments. An additional vocabulary section ensures that students extend their knowledge and practice new words. Listening and speaking are practiced through a series of activities that evaluate comprehension of short audio files, and also in real life interactive dialogues with the help of the voice-recognition system, so students practice the pronunciation of the words and structures studied in these lessons. In this lesson, students work through diverse situations with specific vocabulary and expressions that are related to a particular activity or sector, so that the student can smoothly develop in everyday situations related to that specific field.

First aid- Specific vocabulary

In this lesson, students work through diverse situations with specific vocabulary and expressions that are related to a particular activity or sector, so that the student can smoothly develop in everyday situations related to that specific field.

Accident & Emergency – Typical situation

In this lesson, students work through diverse situations with specific vocabulary and expressions that are related to a particular activity or sector, so that the student can smoothly develop in everyday situations related to that specific field.

Health and feelings – Additional vocabulary

This lesson provides students with additional materials to expand their knowledge of vocabulary on the subjects of health and people’s feelings. Vocabulary is presented in context and there are follow-up exercises that provide extended practice.

Test exercises

Unit 9

In this unit students learn to practice language when setting up a business account and when negotiating with banks for other purposes. They revise and consolidate vocabulary about banking and business accounts, and they also study grammar terms and useful language for leisure activities.

Students perform reading comprehension tasks with a series of dialogues and vocabulary exercises. Listening is also practiced through texts and videos with interactive activities. Thus, students carry out speaking tasks with the help of the voice-recognition system in different exercises, so they practice the pronunciation of the words and structures studied in these lessons.

The unit finishes with a test to revise all the grammar and terms studied through the course.

Setting up a business account – Typical situation

In this lesson, students work through diverse situations with specific vocabulary and expressions that are related to a particular activity or sector, so that the student can smoothly develop in everyday situations related to that specific field.

Your interests – Dialogue

The student listens to a series of questions that he/she must freely answer and send the responses to the teacher. New vocabulary is introduced in this lesson; once the exercise is finished, the student practices with said vocabulary.

Marketing mix – Dictation

Students practice written and oral comprehension while at the same time learning useful vocabulary and expressions about fundamental topics, to be able to use them in advanced language practice.

Test exercises

End-of-module test.

Final test

Servicios del campus virtual

Guía didáctica. En ella se marcan y explican las pautas, orientaciones y recomendaciones necesarias para el seguimiento y aprovechamiento adecuado del curso.

Contenidos. Los contenidos han sido realizados por un equipo multidisciplinar, entre los que se encuentran expertos en la materia que se desarrolla, pedagogos, docentes y técnicos informáticos en desarrollos multimedia. Tiene un formato dinámico e interactivo, en base al cual podrás participar activamente en tu aprendizaje. En la elaboración de los mismos se han utilizado una serie de iconos y links, que requieren tu participación en el descubrimiento de los contenidos, ya que deberás interactuar con los mismos para ver la información.

Actividades. Hemos desarrollado ejercicios y casos prácticos interactivos, integrados en los contenidos, que fomentan la participación e interacción continua de los alumnos y permiten que vayas afianzando los conocimientos al mismo tiempo que los adquieres, con el fin de que llegues totalmente preparado a la evaluación final y la superes sin dificultades.

Otros servicios. Correo interno, Chat, Foro, Tablón, Biblioteca (material complementario y manual del curso), Faqs (preguntas frecuentes), Agenda y Sistema de Videoconferencia integrado.

Tutores a disposición del alumno

Tutores expertos en las diferentes materias que te resolverán las dudas sobre el temario y los ejercicios, plantearán actividades colaborativas, y podrán realizar clases virtuales. Mantendrán feedback a lo largo de toda la formación con los alumnos.

Tutores pedagógicos que te ayudarán y motivarán a lo largo de tu preparación, resolviendo cualquier duda técnica o académica que pueda surgirte. Se pondrán en contacto contigo periódicamente informándote de tu evolución y animándote a finalizar con éxito el curso.

Competencias digitales.

En modalidad teleformación, el alumno deberá demostrar las destrezas suficientes para ser usuario de la plataforma virtual y para ello, deberá realizar una prueba de competencias digitales.

Requisitos técnicos.
  • Hardware necesario: dispositivo con conexión a internet (ordenador/tablet/móvil).
  • Software necesario: navegador compatible (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer desde la versión 11, Safari).

Campus Virtual

Ponemos a tu disposición todos los recursos del curso en una plataforma online.

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